Writing Redux...Again.

I have been writing too much on Facebook and not enough here...and I know why: people read my posts on Facebook.  No one reads my posts here because there hasn't been anything written  on this blog for a very long time.  Why would anyone tune into when there is nothing new to see?

That's about to change because I feel my writings will be better served in this forum.  I am a writer..a writer writes. But not on Facebook.  Writing a post is a different process than writing a blog or a book: yes, it about capturing the attention of friends but it's also about getting attention...perhaps even acknowledgment and acceptance.  While these attributes certainly apply to a blog, there is more opportunity for fluidity and expression here; it also requires dedication and discipline with respect to one's want for writing.  I am going to try and become the dedicated and disciplined writer I know I am. Besides, I have a lot of things stored up to write about. So stay tuned.


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